You will be missed, Kay
You will be missed, Kay
We have been reached by the very sad news that our senior advisor Kay Wiestål has passed away due to health complications related to the coronavirus. Kay Wiestål was a vital force in sports and entertainment in our region, throughout Sweden and beyond. A gentle, curious man with a natural authority that had an encouraging word for everyone. He started out in sports playing professional soccer and later developed that into starting an agency representing athletes. He initiated “Victoriadagen” a yearly public event for the Swedish Crown Princess where also “Victoriapriset”, a national award to outstanding achievements in sports, is presented. Earlier this year Mr. Wiestål received the Medal of the Royal Order of the Polar Star – 8th size, from the hands of HRH King Carl Gustav XVI for his contributions to Victoriadagen. His lasting legacy with us at Talentcoach will be his warm support and positivity for our work in developing the creative sector in the region of Kalmar Län. Always attending our events when possible, smiling, always ready to share an uplifting word or advice. You will be sorely missed Mr. Wiestål!