Dimpker Brothers at The Great Escape
In less than a week we are going to the showcase festival The Great Escape in Brighton, UK together with Dimpker Brothers. At this event we also have Sensus, Westside Music Sweden, SOM (Svenska Oberoende Musikproducenter), and ALOADED with us.
We will host a mingle on Thursday the 11th of May at Kooks, and on Friday the 12th of May we are arranging our showcase with The Dimpker Brothers, DULL, Nathan Aeli, and Sötnos at the venue Three Wise Cats.
For those of you living in, or visiting Brighton, please come and join us!
Read more about the mingle here and the showcase here.
We also did a press release a few weeks ago that you can read here.
Photo: Karl Hovis Hovmark