åäö sounds Swedish

Thank you Brighton, UK!

WOW what a weekend we have had at The Great Escape festival in Brighton, UK. We started off with a speed meeting arranged by Export Music Sweden on the Thursday which lead directly to our networking mingle at KOOKS with over 450 RSVP:s. A lot of people showed up and we had great conversations a got a lot of new friends for the future! At the same day The Indigo Echoes also performed his first show at the festival at Jubilee Square with a good crowd.

Friday started early with soundcheck, and fixing the venue before our official showcase under the name ÅÄÖ…Sounds Swedish started at lunch and ended by 4pm. We got Honey from Lucille Group, Velvet Moon from Argle Bargle Studios, The Indigo Echoes from us and also Ludwig Hart from Argle Bargle Studios on stage. OMG the crowd and the acts was amazing! We feel so blessed to arrange this event together with all these stars!

Saturday was a bit slower for us since Filip (The Indigo Echoes) traveled back home and we participated in the other three acts second show at the festival, also really crowded shows for all of them!

To summarize, it was a really good weekend and we are now back home again with a lot of new friends, and contacts and hope to be back again next year! Thank you to all of our partners and acts, and thank you all who came to our events, it wouldn’t have been as fun without you!

Photo: Logo