Adée – Lovar
Today Adée´s single “Lovar” is out on all streaming plattforms, and you may have heard it already since the song is one of the chosen ones in P4 Nästa and have been played on the local radion station. But now you can put it on your favorite playlists as well!
“Lovar” is the first single to Adée´s first album in Swedish and she have made it together with some people she really like a lot! This single is released by Border Music Distribution and Sole Island Songs.
Guitar – Johan Offerlind
Drums – Patrik Åberg
Bas – Anderas Ea Nilsson
Produced by – Joakim Buddee
Assistant producer – Ivan Kinell
Recorded at – Luvehult Records
Master – Frida Claesson Johansson
Visuals – Isabell Bringert
Listen to “Lovar” here.
Photo: Isabell Bringert