Norregård photo Ellen Hjerpe
Pop duo, songwriters & producers

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The Swedish independent popduo Norregård consist of David Nilsson and Jakob Persson who both grew up in the small and almost forgotten town, Emmaboda. In their youth a great and dearly beloved festival was held just next door and acts like: Daniel Adams-Ray, Markus Krunegård, Thomas Stenström, Den svenska björnstammen and a lot more. Now the festival is no more but the Swedish indiepop sound lives on with Norregård.

With recent gigs at Live at heart (Örebro), Live at heart southeast (Kalmar), Larmtorget (Kalmar) and Kafé de luxe (Växjö) their fanbase is growing. The DIY artists have since their start in 2019 lived through a pandemic, candidate degrees in music production and a lot of pleasant evenings with crazy ideas. Their latest EP “Smutsigt,snyggt och jävligt bra” got great publicity at,, and also at the Swedish Radio in Kalmar and Kronoberg.

  • Norregård photo Ellen Hjerpe
  • Norregard photo Ellen Hjerpe
  • Norregård photo Ellen Hjerpe
  • Norregard photo Ellen Hjerpe

Did you know?

“David & Jakob both grew up in Emmaboda, a municipality and town in the Kalmar region”

Norregård has a real party-hit called “Hybris”


Listen to all of Norregårds songs on Spotify
  • Norregård photo Ellen Hjerpe
  • Norregard photo Ellen Hjerpe
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